When our world is not what we expect- what happened in Whoville yesterday?

When our world is not what we expect- what happened in Whoville yesterday?

As a grief therapist, I meet with grievers facing all kinds of losses. It’s never the same loss, even when a family loses one person they are grieving together. Everyone had a different relationship with the person who died, or the neighborhood they moved from, or the school they share as new alumni. Every loss is unique.

Yesterday, as a nation, we lost something together. We lost our vision of our country, no matter what “side” or groups we claim as our own.

We lost knowing that our Capitol stood for all of us, in security and as a symbol of who we are as Americans.

Our country is not perfect- we know that far too well after last year, and looking at our history, We have a long way to go to get it right in including all of us in the decision making and protecting the rights of all of us here.

We are used to the seemingly endless cycle of elections every two and four years, and the ever more virulent attacks that have come to be our normal.

We have never seen the images we saw yesterday, nor had to face the inequities they made so very clear when a group could overrun our Capitol where others would never have made it through the door. It is a painful, and deeply troubling reality of what we are capable of doing to one another in the name of claiming who we are and what our country needs to be.

I’ve spent the last eighteen hours hearing what this has meant to people of all ages, all walks of life. I’ve heard fear about the coming weeks, anger, hurt, frustration, sadness, and, most of all, grief. I’ve also heard a sound

much like Whoville. It’s been getting louder, especially in the youngest voices. The sound is a hope and deep desire that we learn to be kinder to one another, starting right now. To call out the inequities and make them

stop. To treat one another with respect. To call those who need consequences into account. The youngest in Whoville can see that racism and anger and financial disparity have created a situation that is too big for them- but that they can start with their friends and family if the Big People will please just get this together and make it right.

At Central Counseling Services we are here to help you and your family, your own Whoville, cope with the images and sadness and fear that are bubbling right now. We have clinicians who are available and will hear your needs and help you with them. Please call us if you need a safe space right now. We are online and available. (951) 778-0230