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Anxiety, Quality of life, Teen and children Courtney Whetstone, LMFT Anxiety, Quality of life, Teen and children Courtney Whetstone, LMFT

6 Tips For a GREAT School Year.

School is just around the corner. It doesn't have to be a hard transition. Here are 6 GREAT tips to help with the transition.

It’s the end of summer and we all know what that means; back to school!! From school supply shopping to back to school clothes shopping, it can get a little hectic. With these 6 tips, you are sure to have a great school year ahead of you not only for your child but for you as well. These are simple things that will make going back to school an easy transition.

1.      Set up that bedtime routine before school starts. It’s a good idea to set up the bedtime routine two weeks in advance so that way by the time school is ready to begin, your child is well rested and that will be just one less thing to worry about for school.

2.      Meet the teachers. Finding out who the teacher is ahead of time and sending out an introductory email or meeting with the teacher before open house. This is a great idea to connect with the teacher and build rapport before the school year starts that will carry you all the way through the school year.  

3.      Get those back to school supplies early. Ready..set..go!! once you have the list, take your child and have them participate and have an active role in helping to get their own school supplies. By letting them get that backpack, or giving them a choice of the pens or pencils or lunch box, back to school supply shopping can be a little fun and not such a big stress.

4.      Pack a healthy lunch. Sometimes this is easier said than done, but if you are able to, packing a well-balanced lunch for your child. We know kids don't always eat right, but picking favorite healthy foods helps your child eat better at school. Remember giving them the proper balance of protein, fruits and vegetables will help that brain power to ace that important test coming up.

5.      Talking about goals for the new school year. Sit down with your child so they understand the expectations for the new school year, whether it is being in sports, extracurricular activities, or homework schedules. Setting those goals up before school starts is a good way to help ensure they will get accomplished.

6.      Talk to your child about bullying. Bullying is on the rise and with social media is an ever growing concern with parents and children. Research shows that one in three children will be bullied in their school career. Talking to children before school starts on how they should treat their peers as well as what they should do if they encounter a bully is a great way to start the year off being kind to one another.


Remember if problems do arise in school and you need more assistance we are here to help support you and your child.

Courtney Whetstone, MFTI is a dedicated professional and advocate for children and teens. She has a vast experience helping children with school concerns. For more information on Courtney click here.


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