How Can I Keep A Strong Bond With My Partner While In Quarantine?

I know most of us out there expected this quarantine to only last a couple of weeks. We are now 6 months in and a question on lots of people's minds is, How can I keep this bond strong with my partner while in quarantine? And how can I not lose my mind while doing so? Well here are some helpful tips on keeping that bond strong while quarantined together and also a few for those relationships that are not in quarantine together and are now being forced into a “ long-distance” feel on the relationship.

Tips for couples who are quarantined together:

1. Have a movie night that will spark a conversation after. For example, 13th or Social Dilemma, both found on popular streaming services.

2. Exercise together by taking a walk or a jog outside to beat the cabin fever.

3. Have a game night but instead of video games, ditch those for good old fashioned board games

4. Find time each day to express gratitude to your partner

5. Dress up and have data e night in the backyard or living room- picnic style.

6. Having more patience than you might normally have with your partner will come in handy, these are tension-filled times so finding that compassion for yourself and your partner when arguments inevitably arise will be helpful.

7. Be sure to still have your alone time- being quarantined together is A LOT of togetherness so be sure to make sure you are still enjoying activities that are your own.

Tips for those relationships who are not in quarantine together:

1. Make phone calls and video chats a priority.

​2. Still watch your favorite shows together- facetime each other while watching your shows so you can still interact while watching tv.

​3. Play online games such as UNO or any video games you both enjoy

​4. Workout together via online working out, DOMA studios is an example of an online platform 

​5. Do an on occasion social distancing date, such as getting take out and eating together at a safe distance. 

​6. Get your old school writing love letters on write your partner a love letter and mail it. ( they have stamps and shipping online)

​7. Virtually have meals together.

As always, please reach out if you are needing more help in your relationship, we are still offering couples therapy during this time. We know quarantine is hard. The CCS team is here for you to bring inspiration, comfort, and healing into your life. If you missed lasted week's blog, we introduced our Zen Den, we created a virtual space for you to escape to, check it out!